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Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Adelaide's road rage problems

As I mentioned in an earlier post the biggest problem on Adelaide's road are aggressive retards with souped up shit heaps or glammed-up show ponies. 

EVERY time I drive around ANY part of Adelaide I always see the same sort of dickheads tailgating people and jumping in and out of lanes trying to get ahead of everyone. Most people just put it down to Bogans and their "bogan chariots" trying to show off but I have also observed middle eastern "gangsta's" with their murdered out black (mostly BMW) "gangsta mobiles" and eastern Europeans with pretty much the same cars as the middle eastern "gangsta's". The reason I can tell you exactly what ethnic groups they belong to is because they usually have flags or shit written in Arabic on their rear windows. 

 When I first got my licence it was pretty much just the Bogan variety getting around in old souped up Commodore or Falcon shit heaps or the occasional Japanese import. They have now upgraded to late model V8 Commodores and turbo Falcons so as not to be outdone by other lowlifes. One group goes for looks with European cars, the other goes for pure V8 muscle provided by Aussie carmakers and sometimes this can be vice versa. Both drive like complete retards. It has also gotten a lot worse since then it’s no longer just a race between two revheads at the lights it’s something more arrogant and vicious than that. I see just as many punch-ups and altercations at the lights as races these days. 

These people are also the types that will chew your head off it something goes wrong whilst they are racing their cars through traffic. You can be minding your own business driving home from work and all of the sudden you can be tailgated, forced off the road, front ended, sideswiped or forced to brake suddenly to avoid them. Guaranteed if they have done any of this to someone then that someone cops the abuse for getting in their way.

Then there are the older road ragers. These guys typically have pristine cars of any make/model and are simply hard to spot in traffic because they usually drive reasonably as well. It’s the Aggro-Adelaidean inside that you need to be wary of. These are also the same people that end up as victims when they accidentally go mental on someone who can leave them unconscious.

This link is to an alleged incident involving the older type road rager at the Britannia roundabout which has a notorious reputation and can't be changed to traffic lights as locals don't want any trees cut down. I also added a link to an incident from a couple of months ago where an Adelaide man in his 50's who actually opened fire on another driver in a separate incident as well as a couple of youtube links to videos of random Aggro-Adelaidean road ragers.

 Traffic on Britannia roundabout at Rose Park 12 May 1999.

Salisbury East crash
(check out the comments this is how a lot Adelaideans actually speak... This is why snobby Adelaideans tell people to stay away from the northern/southern/western suburbs)

Adelaide's dirty sushi stores

When I heard about this the other day, I immediately thought of ten different sushi joints in Adelaide's CBD that could have been outed as unhygienic.

There have been so many places in the city where I have stopped to grab a snack only to find no one at the counter and then had to go around the counter to find someone out back. Every time this has happened I have managed to get a peek at their kitchen area to see if they actually keeping it clean. Most of the time their kitchens are spotless, some to the point that I have wondered if the sushi is even made there. But a few of them were completely filthy, stinking, rusting and looked as though no one had cleaned them in a decade.     

It turns out that this particular store wasn't even in the CBD but was located in the north-eastern suburbs.

All I want to know is do the Adelaide City Council's Environmental Health Officers ever actually check the sushi stores in the city? Or even check any restaurant?

There are also filthy Indian restaurants in Adelaide and they deserve a special mention here because some of them are the worst in terms of filth that I have seen in the entire country. Always sneak a peek at their kitchens just in case. As soon as they catch you spying on them be prepared to be abused until you leave their shitty restaurants as they freak out hard-core when you see what's going on.

Adelaide's fraudster bureaucrat

Here is another fraudulent-Adelaidean this one is of the public service type.

This woman managed to apparently steal $100,000 fund her pokies addiction by creating hundreds of imaginary domestic violence victims and then somehow getting their benefits into currency that she could then feed the pokies with.  

Being a former public service employee within SA's state government, I can assure you that it’s every bit as bad if not inconceivably worse than any story you will ever hear in the media.

This exact same thing has happened at two of the depts. I worked for so I know exactly the lengths she would have gone through to actually get the money in cash form to use personally and to do it for ten years.

SA's state government is a literal despotic safe haven. You have despots who operate in a nepotistic environment where people can wind up involved in projects with absolutely no prerequisites or useful skills apart from knowing the right people or you can have complete sociopaths being placed in a position of power over vulnerable people with issues so bad that even the most hardened journalist wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

In saying all that though there are a few good people in state government. But they usually leave as soon as something better comes along and 90-99% of the time this means either going interstate or overseas for opportunities that don't exist in Adelaide.

Anne Dalton

Adelaide's tainted party drugs

After a spate of hospital admissions and bizarre aggressive displays by ecstasy users in the city, police were able to lay the blame on a dodgy batch of ecstasy that appears to have been tainted by chemicals that induces psychotic episodes rather than euphoria.

There were reports of people stripping naked and rubbing themselves on bitumen to alleviate severe itching as well as licking nightclub dance floors. There is more weird shit to report but I will let you read about it yourself.

If you have been anywhere near Hindley street in the last year or so you would know very well that even without psychotic episode inducing drugs there is still a massive presence of psychopaths getting around. I don't even know how things have become so bad apart from a massive middle eastern presence with shisha joints now everywhere in Hindley street not much has changed since I used to go there about 4-5 years ago. It is now quite literally a hellhole on every level.

Someone once told me "there is now way on earth Hindley street can get any worse" about 4 years ago - How wrong they were.

Pill Report: Red Mitsubishi

Friday, 26 July 2013

An opinion of Adelaide

I found this opinion piece a while ago and found myself agreeing with some of the things this guy pointed out such as the downside of an aging population.

Some things this guy included in his opinion piece I think are pretty far off the mark. One of the things implied in this piece is that Adelaide is an overly racist city. If anything Adelaide has a problem with the so called reverse-racists, people who quite literally hate white Australians. The problem here in Adelaide is that reverse-racism here is essentially considered politically correct.

There are so many things wrong with Adelaide that it is quite hard to put it all in context without sounding pretentious. I think the day I figure out how to put my opinion of Adelaide into written form and be able to express the duality of my feelings towards this city will be the day I finish up this blog.

A Ferrari wrapped around one of Adelaide's famous Stobie poles.

Adelaide – Athens of the South’s long, slow decline

SA premier Vs. PM Rudd: Adelaide showdown

According to media reports new car sales in Australia have dropped significantly due to PM Rudd's changes to the Fringe Benefit Tax. In an effort to prevent further damage to Holden's sale figures SA Premier Weatherill has attempted to discuss further changes to FBT that will increase car sales.

It looks as though the Premiers attempts have had no effect on the PM's alteration to FBT.

I guess the main thing to look at here is at least he is trying to prevent Adelaide becoming Detroit.

Fighting words from the SA Premier:

“What you have got … is a Premier of South Australia who is advocating standing up for South Australia,”

“Now that has brought me into conflict with the Prime Minister – so be it!”

Holden's long, slow withdrawl from Adelaide

400 Holden workers finished up today after accepting their voluntary redundancy packages.

Here in Adelaide the rumours going around indicate that GMH will move what is left of the engineering team based in Elizabeth to Victoria and close the Elizabeth factory completely.

Only time will tell if there is any truth to the rumours however one thing is certain if Holden do decide to leave SA the northern suburbs will become the worst area for unemployment in the country. If you live in Adelaide you will be well aware of the negative outlook people have on the northern suburbs already. If the worst case scenario does come to fruition Adelaide itself will resemble an Australian version of Detroit.

Holden  Not all doom and gloom: Holden says its Elizabeth plant in South Australia accounts for 265 of the 600 jobs secured for local Cruze production.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

4000 rare Adelaide chickens to be destroyed

After one of the imported chicks was found to be infected with a rare strain of salmonella the Federal Agriculture Department has decided that all 4000 of them will need to be put down. Poor chooks...

Shell Shocked

Adelaide's sex offender santa

When I heard about this on the news I was completely disgusted.

I only hope that one day paedophile's will be shot on site when proven guilty in a court of law.

A lot of people think of Adelaide as the city of corpses-home of the serial killer, however this sort of bullshit seems just as prevalent.

More charges against man who was a store Santa

Julia Gillard to call Adelaide home

I don't yet know if this is good or bad...

I do know that Julia Gillard has been the most unpopular Prime Minister in recent years.

I am thinking that in the years to come she will probably play an important role in state government.

*Finger's crossed* she will help make Adelaide a good place to live in the future.

Adelaide's locally grown fraudster

If there is anything worse than an Aggro-Adelaidean it is a Fraudulent-Adelaidean.

I'm not sure why but here in Adelaide there is always someone waiting to rip you off. I try to avoid local Adelaide businesses as much as possible due to the amount of times I have been ripped of dealing with "locals".

Woman accused of $1.4m fraud refused bail

Adelaide's newest drug cheat: Stuart O'Grady

I don't have anything against this guy for doping as far as I am concerned anyone in professional sports could potentially be a drug cheat. Mr O'Grady is held in fairly high regard here in South Australia and is actually a sports ambassador for the state. I suspect that this is all about to be flushed down the toilet by Aggro-Adelaideans in the near future. Personally I wish Stuart O'Grady all the best and I hope that this doesn't deeply affect his state of mind.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Someone attempts to bomb the Adelaide Youth Court

I don't know what the person responsible for this half-assed attempt at a bombing were thinking when they tried to cause a scene at the Adelaide Youth Court a few days ago. From what I have read they were using sodastream gas canisters and caused a small amount of property damage when a couple of the bombs exploded over the weekend.

At least here in Adelaide you can rest assured that even a bombing will not amount to much.

Police have cordoned off the Youth Court building in Adelaide after small homemade explosive devices were found.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Coffee and cycling: Australia's most boring event...

Here in Adelaide the social group cyclists quickly became the most frustrating thing I had to deal with when I lived in the CBD area. Every weekend you basically have to plan around these idiots.  It wouldn't be so bad if they obeyed the road rules but instead they ride along in a massive glut completely blocking the road. Nothing is worse than trying to go somewhere on a Saturday morning only to be stuck behind these guys while they zoom along at 15-20 k's an hour in a 50-60 kmh zone.

So to sum up this post: the most frustrating people of Adelaide join forces with the most boring. I guess everyone loses.

Adelaide's street safety concerns

If you live in Adelaide you will already have a pretty good idea about how bad certain areas of the city can get after dark. If you don't know much about Adelaide's nightlife all you need to know is that the typical aggro-Adelaidean can become a homicidal maniac after a few too many drinks.

Shooting brawl in Hindley St

Miss Africa

Leaky roof at the Adelaide Festival Centre

On the couple of occasions where I have found myself at this venue I have experienced some of the worst moments of boredom in my life. I find the artsy performances held here are very much a suicide inducing experience.

I could fill a couple of paragraphs about how bad it is attending this venue but in a nutshell this is where you will find the more refined upper class aggro-Adelaideans.

Adelaide's filthy fast food restaurants

Here in Adelaide I have had so many bad experiences with the simple task of getting a meal. The usual issue I have is dealing with staff that use the typical aggro-Adelaidean reaction when you point out the fact they have stuffed up your order.

I really don't understand how these youngsters even manage to keep their jobs. There have been so many occasions where I have stood in line waiting to order only to be frustrated by the staff members just standing there talking about their weekends or bitching about another staff member who isn't there. What makes everything worse is the fact that this occurs in nearly all of the fast food joints I have ordered a meal at in Adelaide.

So to me it is not the image problem that these articles point out. I can understand that when your busy you don't have time to make everything look clean. What I can't understand is the aggressive attitude that so many employees exhibit whilst serving their customers. I find that there is pretty much no point in complaining anymore the arguments that follow aren't worth it.

KFC kitchen Elizabeth

Monday, 22 July 2013

New Castalloy gets 4 years rent free to stay in Adelaide

Its good to see that the state government has stepped in to save this factory.

The only thing I don't like about this is the fact that when you go for a drive around Adelaide you will see insane amounts of businesses that have folded in recent years. I am certain that if you add up the people who have lost their jobs from these closures it would be a figure in the many thousands. Where is the government help for these businesses?

If you live in Adelaide and like to read the news you might have heard that the site this factory sits on is the alleged burial site of the Beaumont children. It is alleged that the co-founder of Castalloy (Harry Phipps) was a violent paedophile who lived in the same area that the children were last seen and has allegedly been named by a relative as the person responsible for the children's disappearance. It is alleged that the children were buried in a sand pit that is now below a bitumen covered area at the factory site. Time will tell if this story has any truth to it.

Adelaide's dodgy drivers

Came across this article in The Advertiser this morning: Drug-affected Adelaide man caught driving defected car with pair of vice grips.
Vicegrips steering wheel

It got me thinking about how bad so many drivers are in Adelaide. I think the biggest problem I have personally experienced living here is tailgaters. 

To me it seems the reason its so bad on the road in Adelaide is because of aggressive drivers.